Automatic feature detection

Builtin energy functions
Custom energy functions
Reading out the energy


The automatic feature detection relies on the evaluation of the relevance of each pixel; this quantity is called `energy': the higher the energy of a pixel, the less likely it will be that such pixel will be directly involved in the rescaling. The energy function which the library uses can be customised; normally, edge detector filters are the best choices for this purpose.

There is a unified framework in the Liquid Rescale library for energy fucntions: briefly, each energy function used by the library receives the current position and image size as parameters, and is provided access to a square of values from the image, centered around the current position. This access is provided through an object which is called a "reading window", and the image pixels are not read directly, but rather they are accessed according to a "reader type", which means that the energy function can get e.g. the brightness of a pixel without needing to care for the underlying image representation, i.e. the image type or the colour depth.

The library provides a small set of very simple (yet normally effective) gradient-based energy functions, and a customisation framework for defining more functions.

Builtin energy functions

The library has some builtin functions for energy evaluation; in order to set one of the builtin functions in a LqrCarver object this function is used:

LqrRetVal lqr_carver_set_energy_function_builtin(LqrCarver* carver,
 LqrEnergyFunctionBuiltinType ef_ind);

The currently available builtin functions which can be used as ef_ind are:


absolute value of the brightness gradient in the direction of the rescaling (this is the default)


sum of absolute values of the brightness gradients in both directions


norm of the brightness gradient


absolute value of the luma gradient in the direction of the rescaling


sum of absolute values of the luma gradients in both directions


norm of the luma gradient



All of the above gradient functions have a radius of 1 pixel.

Custom energy functions

Custom energy functions for a LqrCarver object are set using this function:

LqrRetVal lqr_carver_set_energy_function(LqrCarver* carver,
 LqrEnergyFunc ef_func,
 gint radius,
 LqrEnergyReaderType reader_type,
 gpointer extra_data);

Here, ef_func is the function (the prototype will be explained below), radius is used to set the size of the square region around each pixel which is used to evaluate the energy for that pixel, reader_type is used to set which quantity is used for the energy computation (e.g. brightness, luma etc.) and extra_data is a (void) pointer which can be used to pass additional parameters to the energy function.

The LqrEnergyReaderType is an enum which can take these values (also noted is the number of channels of the corresponging output):


brightness (1 channel)


luma (1 channel)


RGBA (4 channels)


read the normalised image channels as they are (as many channels as the image has)

These readouts always return values beetween 0 and 1.


Note that these readouts may have special meanings depending on the image type:

  • for LQR_GREY_IMAGE, LQR_GREYA_IMAGE and LQR_CUSTOM_IMAGE images, the LQR_ER_LUMA readout will yield the same result as LQR_ER_BRIGHTNESS

  • for LQR_CUSTOM_IMAGE images, the LQR_ER_BRIGHTNESS readout will return the average pixel value (additive, i.e. if a black channel is present the channel values will be inverted and multiplied by the black channel inverse), multiplied by the alpha channel value.

  • for LQR_CUSTOM_IMAGE images, the LQR_ER_RGBA readout cannot be used: it will always return 0

The custom energy function must be declared like in the following sample declaration:

Example 2.5. Custom energy declaration

gfloat my_energy (gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height, LqrReadingWindow *rwindow, gpointer extra_data);

This function should return the energy at pixel x, y, based on the knowledge of the current image size (obtained from width and height) and the content of the image in a square around that pixel, which is passed through the rwindow reading window: in order to access this content, this function must be used:

gdouble lqr_rwindow_read(LqrReadingWindow * rwindow,
 gint x,
 gint y,
 channel channel);

When reading out the content from a window, the x and y parameters are relative to the window centre (which instead is given by the x, y parameters passed to the custom energy function), and they both range between -radius and radius included (radius being the same one which is used in lqr_carver_set_energy_function). The parameter channel specifies which channel to read out; depending on the read_type passed to lqr_carver_set_energy_function the range and meaning of this parameter will change: for the cases LQR_ER_BRIGHTNESS and LQR_ER_LUMA it must be 0, because the readout consists of a single channel, for LQR_ER_RGBA it must be between 0 and 3 (and then the readout will contain the RGBA information), while for LQR_ER_CUSTOM it must be one of the original image channels.

The rwindow parameters can be read out from within a custom defined energy function using these functions:

LqrEnergyReaderType lqr_rwindow_get_read_t(LqrReadingWindow * rwindow);
gint lqr_rwindow_get_radius(LqrReadingWindow * rwindow);
gint lqr_rwindow_get_channels(LqrReadingWindow * rwindow);

Following is an example of how a simple Sobel fliter can be defined and used within this framework:

Example 2.6. Custom energy definition and setup

/* definition */

gfloat sobel(gint x, gint y, gint width, gint height, LqrReadingWindow *rw, gpointer extra_data)
    gint i, j;
    gdouble ex = 0;
    gdouble ey = 0;
    gdouble k[3][3] = {{0.125, 0.25, 0.125}, {0, 0, 0}, {-0.125, -0.25, -0.125}};

    for (i = -1; i <=1; i++) {
        for (j = -1; j <=1; j++) {
            ex += k[i + 1][j + 1] * lqr_rwindow_read(rw, i, j, 0);
            ey += k[j + 1][i + 1] * lqr_rwindow_read(rw, i, j, 0);
    return (gfloat) sqrt(ex * ex + ey * ey);

/* usage */

lqr_carver_set_energy_function (carver, sobel, 1, LQR_ER_BRIGHTNESS, NULL);

In the above sobel function it is assumed that the radius is 1 and that the readout will consist of a single channel. Furthermore, no boundary checking is performed, and therefore the parameters x, y, width and height are not used. Also, no extra parameters are passed to the function.


The function lqr_rwindow_read returns 0 when the requested value is out of the image boundary or beyond the reading window radius.


The energy functions are called over the transposed image in case of vertical scaling, therefore, if they are asymmetrical, the result will be different depending on the scaling orientation (this is the case for example for the LQR_EF_GRAD_XABS builtin function).


The energy function output should be normalised in order to be comparable with the builtin functions, otherwise the scale of the bias would be different depending on the energy function used. This is the reason why in the Sobel filter written above the kernel k is scaled so that the sum of the absolute values of the matrix is equal to 1.


In actual code, the call to lqr_carver_set_energy_function should be protected to test its return value.

Reading out the energy

The energy can be read out with three similar functions, all of which fill a buffer provided by the user, but in different ways: two of them are suitable for plotting, while the third one can be used to retreive the true values of the energy, as used internally.

The first function can be used to get a buffer of normalised values, and it has a simple syntax:

LqrRetVal lqr_carver_get_energy(LqrCarver * carver,
 gfloat * buffer,
 gint orientation);

This function writes the the energy values at the time of calling to the given buffer, ordered by row and then by column. All values range between 0 and 1. The buffer must be allocated by the user before calling it.

The orientation parameter determines which orientation will be used when computing the energy: 0 means horizontal, 1 means vertical.

The carver need not be initialised; if a bias was added to it (see the Adding a bias section), its effect is included in the output.

The above function does not return the true energy which is used internally, because that would not be suitable for plotting, since the energy range is arbitrary (only the energy differences are meaningful, and there is no upper nor lower bound to the values). In order to get the true energy values used internally, this function must be used instead (with the same syntax):

LqrRetVal lqr_carver_get_true_energy(LqrCarver * carver,
 gfloat * buffer,
 gint orientation);

The third function can be used to fill directly an image buffer:

LqrRetVal lqr_carver_get_energy_image(LqrCarver * carver,
 void * buffer,
 gint orientation,
 LqrColDepth col_depth,
 LqrImageType image_type);

In this case, the buffer must be passed as void*, while the col_depth and image_type are used to specify the colour depth and the image type, in the same way as is done when creating an LqrCarver object (see Carver objcet creation and the Choosing the image type sections). The only restriction is that it is not possible to ask for LQR_CUSTOM_IMAGE image types.

For any choice of the parameters, the buffer will hold a greyscale image, ranging from black (lowest energy) to white (highest energy). The opacity (alpha) will be set to 1, if present. All the information will be stored in the black channel in LQR_CMYK_IMAGE and LQR_CMYKA_IMAGE image types.


Calling the function lqr_carver_get_energy_image with LQR_COLDEPTH_32F and LQR_GREY_IMAGE arguments will yield the same result as calling the function lqr_carver_get_energy, but the latter is slightly more efficient.