{# This template adds attributes unique to pieChart #} {% extends "content.html" %} {% block body %} data_{{ chart.name }}={{ chart.series_js|striptags }}; nv.addGraph(function() { var chart = nv.models.{{ chart.model }}(){% if chart.use_interactive_guideline %}.useInteractiveGuideline(true){% endif %}; chart.margin({top: {{ chart.margin_top }}, right: {{ chart.margin_right }}, bottom: {{ chart.margin_bottom }}, left: {{ chart.margin_left }}}); var datum = data_{{ chart.name }}[0].values; {% if not chart.color_list and chart.color_category %} chart.color(d3.scale.{{ chart.color_category }}().range()); {% endif %} chart.tooltip.contentGenerator(function(d, elem) { var x = String(d.data.label); var y = String(d.data.value); tooltip_str = '
' + y; return tooltip_str; }); {# showLabels only supported in pieChart #} chart.showLabels({{chart.show_labels|lower}}); {% if chart.donut %} chart.donut(true); chart.donutRatio({{ chart.donutRatio }}); {% else %} chart.donut(false); {% endif %} chart.showLegend({{chart.show_legend|lower}}); {# add custom chart attributes #} {% for attr, value in chart.chart_attr.items() %} {% if value is string and value.startswith(".") %}: chart.{{ attr }}{{ value }}; {% else %} chart.{{ attr }}({{ value }}); {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if chart.resize %} nv.utils.windowResize(chart.update); {% endif %} {% if chart.color_list %} var mycolor = new Array(); {% for color in chart.color_list %} mycolor[{{ loop.index - 1}}] = "{{ color }}"; {% endfor %} {% endif %} chart .x(function(d) { return d.label }) .y(function(d) { return d.value }); {% if chart.width %} chart.width({{ chart.width }}); {% endif %} {% if chart.height %} chart.height({{ chart.height }}); {% endif %} {% if chart.color_list %} chart.color(mycolor); {% endif %} {% block rendering_opts %} {% if chart.no_data_message %} chart.noData('{{chart.no_data_message}}') {% endif %} {% if chart.show_controls == False %} chart.showControls(false); {% endif %} {% endblock rendering_opts %} {% block inject %} {{super()}} {% endblock inject %} {% block extras %} {# extra chart attributes #} {% if chart.extras %} {{ chart.extras }} {% endif %} {% endblock extras %} {% if chart.callback %} },{{ chart.callback }}); {% endif %} {% block close %} {{ super() }} {% endblock close %} {% endblock body %}